October 2024 Group Therapy Conference!

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8:00 am

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The October 3-4 conference is coming together! Again, many thanks to each of you for filling out the google form to help us plan our fall conference. We’ve now had 26 people answer the questions! Below are the full details of the conference.

Theme: Activating and Illuminating the Here-and-now: A group therapist’s most powerful tool.
Dates: October 3-4, 2024
CEUs: 11.0
(1) VIRTUAL Track on Zoom, 8 slots (small group leader will be Dr, Nate Page)
(2) IN-PERSON Track, 8 slots (small group leader will be Dr. Jon Lewis)
In-person will be at the office of Jon Lewis at 4306 Bryant Avenue S, Minneapolis, 55409
Schedule (subject to small changes, but 8:30-4:00pm both days):
Thursday (Central Time Zone)
8:30am – Welcome, Introduction to Conference Structure (Hybrid)
8:45-9:45am – Keynote
10:00am-11:30am – Small Group Training Experiential #1
11:45-1:00pm Small Group Training Experiential #2
1:00-2:30pm – Lunch (on your own)
2:30-4:00pm  – Small Group Training Experiential #3
Friday (Central Time Zone)
8:30-10:00am – Small Group Experiential #4
10:15am-11:45am – Small Group Experiential #5
11:45am-1:15pm  – Lunch (on your own)
1:15-2:45pm Small Group Experiential #5
3:00-4:00pm Large Group Debrief + Evaluations
Price: The price will be $380, and we will have scholarships available for up to 4 people. The price for a CEU certificate is $25 (to help cover the cost of getting pre-approval from the Minnesota psychologist board). 
This conference is a two-day experiential process group designed for mental health professionals to process experiences in a way that reduces burnout, facilitates personal and professional growth, and creates therapeutic community. This two-day, relational process training group conference will focus on helping members reconnect with the power of experiential, here-and-now processing. Doing so in small group settings will sharpen clinical skills, reduce burnout and caretaker fatigue, and foster community. Across both days you will participate in a process group that is comprised of the same members and the same leader, in order to facilitate rapport and strengthen connection.
This conference is for mental health professionals, trainees, and anyone else interested in sharpening their therapeutic skills and addressing burnout. By participating in a process group over these two days, members can expect to experientially explore their families of origin, understand how diversity and individual identities show up in their personal (and professional) work, address perfectionism in clinical work, reduce burnout, build therapeutic community (and referral networking!), and experientially learn about how attachment styles, transference, and other useful clinical terms can apply to your work.
Yes, we MAY hold a second conference on October 10-11 with only a virtual track consisting of 8 people. It would have an identical structure to the October 3-4 conference.  If 8 of you commit to this conference, we will run it and do the conference theme: Group Therapy Basics (selecting and preparing clients for group, building a group culture, shaping therapeutic group norms).
If you register for one of the conferences, you will be eligible to attend the keynote for BOTH conferences (if you desire).
Please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions! Thanks again for all your help. Jon and I look forward to pulling this conference together with your help! 🙂
-Nate (nate@grouptherapycentral.com)
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Total Seats: 5 | Left: 4

Event Schedule Details

  • October 8:00 am
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